GELECHIIDAE | Gelechiinae | Gelechiini
35.099 Gelechia senticetella (Cypress Gelechia)
ws:10-13mm (MBGBI4.2)*, fw: 6.0-7.5mm (Sterling & Parsons), 6.0-7.0mm (my specimens); Jul-Aug; juniper (Juniperus spp), cypress (Chaemaecyparis, Cupressus spp); Introduced by horticultural trade 1988, now resident in SE England
* The wingspan size range quoted in MBGBI is clearly too small, 13-16mm would be more accurate
* The wingspan size range quoted in MBGBI is clearly too small, 13-16mm would be more accurate
ID to genus: bilobed gnathos in the male genitalia
ID to species: labial palp S2 with a large ventral tuft; outer side of labial palp S2 dark basally and apically with a whitish centre > 2 species
(though G.cuneatella has not been recorded in Britain since 1950)
Uncus notched, with >6 long setae; aedeagus ~3x greater width in basal 1/3 than in apical 1/3 > G.senticetella
Female genitalia: No other species has a signum of the same or similar shape (see images below)
ID to species: labial palp S2 with a large ventral tuft; outer side of labial palp S2 dark basally and apically with a whitish centre > 2 species
(though G.cuneatella has not been recorded in Britain since 1950)
Uncus notched, with >6 long setae; aedeagus ~3x greater width in basal 1/3 than in apical 1/3 > G.senticetella
Female genitalia: No other species has a signum of the same or similar shape (see images below)
§1 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 02/07/2010; male; fw 6.6mm
§2 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex, 25/07/2012; female §3 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 25/07/2012; male §4 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex, 07/08/2014; male §5 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 15/07/2014; male; fw 6.3mm §6 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 16/07/2018; male; fw 6.4mm §7 Pound Wood, Essex; 23/07/2019; female; fw 6.0mm All images © Chris Lewis |
§A Leigh-on-sea, Essex, 25/07/2007, fw 7.0mm
§B Westcliff-on-sea, Essex, 16/08/2007, fw 6.7mm §C Westcliff-on-sea, Essex, 07/08/2008, fw 7.0mm §D Westcliff-on-sea, Essex, 03/08/2011 §E Westcliff-on-sea, Essex, 20/07/2010 §F Pound Wood, Essex; 05/08/2020 §G Westcliff-on-sea, Essex, 147/07/2022 §H Westcliff-on-sea, Essex, 147/07/2022 |
Page published Nov 2011 | §2 added 08/08/2012 | §3 added 20/04/2014 | §4 (antenna) added 17/08/2014 | §5 added 31/01/2015 |
§6 added 27/04/2019 | §7 added 01/03/2019 | §F added 04/02/2021 | §G&H added 27/11/2022
§6 added 27/04/2019 | §7 added 01/03/2019 | §F added 04/02/2021 | §G&H added 27/11/2022