15.011 Caloptilia falconipennella (Dark Alder Stilt)
ws: 12–14mm (MBGBI2); Sep‐May; alder (Alnus glutinosa); RDB marshes and other damp areas in England.
ID: Head smooth, hindtibia without bristles, midtibia thickened with projecting scales; S2 of labial palp not tufted; forewing with median costal blotch discernible but suffused with ground colour. §2 lacks any significant suffusion of the median costal blotch and keyed as form hauderi of C.semifascia; identification was established by genital dissection.
§1 Brundall, Norfolk; 25/01/2015; male; fw 6.8mm
§2 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 06/07/2018; male; fw 6.0mm
§3 Arlesford, Essex; 27/10/2022; male; fw 7.1mm (specimen provided by Gavin Price)
§4 Colchester, Essex; 27/09/2023; female; fw 6.8mm (specimen provided by Alec Undrill)
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 06/07/2018; male; fw 6.0mm
§3 Arlesford, Essex; 27/10/2022; male; fw 7.1mm (specimen provided by Gavin Price)
§4 Colchester, Essex; 27/09/2023; female; fw 6.8mm (specimen provided by Alec Undrill)
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 22/03/2015 (§1) | §2 added 03/05/2019 | §3 added 25/11/2022 | §4 added 30/11/2023