73.248 Orthosia (Cororthosia) opima (Northern Drab)
fw: 15-17mm (Waring & Townsend), ws: 34-40mm (MBGBI9); Apr-May; various broadleaved trees, woody and herbaceous plants; local in marsh, heath and downland in England, Wales, S&W.Scotland
ID: Forewing ground colour varies from pale grey through brownish-grey to greyish-black; costa very straight, apex pointed; a darker median fascia is usually discernible; pale subterminal line usually completely dark-lined proximally (often this dark line is reddish). O.populeti (Lead-coloured Drab) can have a similar colour and markings but has a rounded forewing apex, somewhat curved costa; it lacks a darker median fascia; the subterminal line usually has black blotches on its proximal margin and the male has bipectinate antennae. O.incerta (Clouded Drab) has a more curved costa, a characteristic pattern of black blotches on the proximal margin of the subterminal line and often shows patchy dark shading rather than a dark median fascia.
§1 Foulness, Essex; 14/04/2007; male
§2 Foulness, Essex; 14/04/2007; female
§3 Foulness, Essex; 28/04/2007; female
§4 Foulness, Essex; 26/04/2008; male; fw 17.2mm
§5 Foulness, Essex; 10/04/2010; male; fw 18.6mm
§6 Foulness, Essex; 24/04/2010; male; fw 17.7mm
§7 Foulness, Essex; 24/04/2010
§8 Foulness, Essex; 01/05/2010; male; fw 17.0mm
§9 Foulness, Essex; 07/04/2018; male; fw 16.7mm; to light
§10 Foulness, Essex; 08/05/2021; male; fw 15.6mm; to light
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Foulness, Essex; 14/04/2007; female
§3 Foulness, Essex; 28/04/2007; female
§4 Foulness, Essex; 26/04/2008; male; fw 17.2mm
§5 Foulness, Essex; 10/04/2010; male; fw 18.6mm
§6 Foulness, Essex; 24/04/2010; male; fw 17.7mm
§7 Foulness, Essex; 24/04/2010
§8 Foulness, Essex; 01/05/2010; male; fw 17.0mm
§9 Foulness, Essex; 07/04/2018; male; fw 16.7mm; to light
§10 Foulness, Essex; 08/05/2021; male; fw 15.6mm; to light
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 03/08/2016 (§1-8) | §9 added 23/01/2019 | §10 added 27/05/2021