49.103 Phalonidia affinitana (Aster Straw)
ws:11-14mm; Jun-Aug; sea aster (Aster tripolium); local on saltmarsh in England and Wales
ID: Characterised by having the median fascia developed in the dorsal half only and sparse strigulation, Variable with poorly marked specimens almost unicolorous. Males whitish ochreous, females greyer. According to BTM a melanic form occurs at Leigh-on-sea. Other Phalonidia species have a complete median fascia. Most likely to be confused with Gynnidomorpha species and likely to require genital examination for confident identification.
Male genitalia: Phalonidia species are distinct from Gynnidomorpha species by having the sacculus rounded and produced and the cornutus having a basal bulb.
Male genitalia: Phalonidia species are distinct from Gynnidomorpha species by having the sacculus rounded and produced and the cornutus having a basal bulb.
§1 Snettisham, Norfolk; 12/06/2014; male; fw 6.1mm
§2 Leigh Marsh, Essex; 21/05/2017; male; fw 6.5mm; swept from saltmarsh
§3 Eskmeals dunes, Cumbria; 21/06/2023; female; fw 6.9mm; netted on saltmarsh in evening sunshine
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Leigh Marsh, Essex; 21/05/2017; male; fw 6.5mm; swept from saltmarsh
§3 Eskmeals dunes, Cumbria; 21/06/2023; female; fw 6.9mm; netted on saltmarsh in evening sunshine
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 24/12/2014 (§1) | §2 added 03/04/2018 | §3 added 27/09/2023