49.080 Acleris hastiana (Varied Tortrix)
ws: 17-22mm (BTM), fw 9-11mm (Sterling & Parsons)*; bivoltine south of central Scotland Jun, Aug-Apr, univoltine north of central Scotland Sep-Apr; small-leaved willows (Salix spp); common throughout GB
* Specimens I have identified as this species have fw 7.3-9.2mm!
* Specimens I have identified as this species have fw 7.3-9.2mm!
ID: highly polymorphic with ~80 forms recognised by Sheldon (1923) these forms intergrading to such an extent that it may not be possible to assign individuals to a particular form. 22 forms are illustrated in BTM. Some forms are similar to A.umbrana, A.abietana and the equally polymorphic A.cristana. A.umbrana can be distinguished by its evenly curved costa and tornal scale-tufts; A.abietana by its possession of distinctly roughened scales along the costa and more numerous scale-tufts; A.cristana by its convex costa and very large mid-wing scale-tuft.
§1 Anglesey; 03/08/2007; fw 9.2mm
§2 Foulness, Essex; 13/07/2013; male; fw 8.3mm §3 Foulness, Essex; 13/07/2013; female; fw 8.4mm §4 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 10/07/2015; female; fw 8.6mm; to light §5 Dungeness, Kent; 25/07/2017; to light §6 Dungeness, Kent; 25/07/2017; male; fw 7.3mm; to light §7 Dungeness, Kent; 12/07/2018; female; fw 8.8mm §8 Dungeness, Kent; 12/07/2018 §9 Dungeness, Kent; 12/07/2018; male; fw 8.3mm All images © Chris Lewis |
§10 Orlestone Forest, Kent; 17/06/2020; male; fw 7.7mm
§11 Orlestone Forest, Kent; 17/06/2020; male; fw 9.2mm §12 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; ??/??/20??; male; fw 9.3mm §13 Foulness, Essex; 08/07/2023 |
Page published 17/11/2012 (§1) | §2&3 added 19/12/2013 | §4 added 15/12/2015 | §5&6 added 13/04/2018 | §7-9 added 21/05/2019 |
§10&11 added 08/07/2020 | §12 added 27/12/2021 | §13 added 04/10/2023
§10&11 added 08/07/2020 | §12 added 27/12/2021 | §13 added 04/10/2023