72.029 Callimorpha dominula (Scarlet Tiger)
fw: 23-27mm; Jun-Jul, diurnal; common comfrey (Symphytum officinale), hemp-agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) and other herbaceous plants; local in S&SW.England, S&W.Wales and East Kent
ID: Iridescent black forewing with pale spots. The exact pattern of these spots is variable but usually the most basal two costal spots and the short streak at the base of the dorsum are yellow, while the remaining spots are white. Hindwing usually red with black spots. Thorax black with yellow lateral streaks. Tegulae iridescent black with the distal apex yellow. In §1 the yellow marks have faded to white. Form bimacula has the forewing spots reduced and the hindwing spots coalesced into 2 diagonal black streaks. Form rossica has the red parts on the hindwing and abdomen replaced with yellow. In the typical form and in form bimacula it is unlikely to be confused with any other species; but form rossica is more similar to Arctia villica (Cream-spot Tiger) - but this has a creamy-white blotch at the base of the forewing (where C.dominula lacks a spot); creamy white tegulae and black thorax; a series of small central black spots on the dorsum of the abdomen (where C.dominula has a more solid black line).
Male genitalia
§1 Ballard Down, Dorset; 04/07/2016; male; netted early afternoon
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 23/08/2016 (§1)