Subfamily: Herminiinae (5G 9S)
Zanclognatha (2S)
058 Zanclognatha lunalis (Jubilee Fan-foot) fw: 14-17mm; rare migrant with 7 British records (to 2018); Jul-Aug; first record 1976 |
059 Zanclognatha zelleralis (Dusky Fan-foot) fw: 14-17mm; rare migrant with 1 British record, Jul 1982 |
Key to British Herminiinae
All British Fan-foots are brown or brownish with 2 or 3 cross-lines and a central forewing mark which is most often a crescent.
1. Forewing with 2 dotted cross-lines, ground colour whitish fawn: Macrochilo cribrumalis (Dotted Fan-foot)
All other British Fan-foots have entire cross-lines.
2. Forewing with 2 entire cross-lines (subbasal and postmedian), ground colour warm sandy brown: Paracolax tristalis (Clay Fan-foot)
All remaining species have 3 cross-lines (subbasal, postmedian and subterminal)
3. Forewing with 3 diffuse cross-lines, crescent mark indistinct, ground colour fawn, hindwing whitish: Pechipogo strigilata (Common Fan-foot)
All remaining species have a darker brown forewing ground colour with better defined cross-lines and a grey-brown hindwing
4. Subterminal cross-line curved to meet costa at apex: Herminia grisealis (Small Fan-foot)
In all remaining species the subterminal cross-line meets the costa proximal to the apex.
5. Subterminal cross-line pale-edged (3 rare migrants)
1. Forewing with 2 dotted cross-lines, ground colour whitish fawn: Macrochilo cribrumalis (Dotted Fan-foot)
All other British Fan-foots have entire cross-lines.
2. Forewing with 2 entire cross-lines (subbasal and postmedian), ground colour warm sandy brown: Paracolax tristalis (Clay Fan-foot)
All remaining species have 3 cross-lines (subbasal, postmedian and subterminal)
3. Forewing with 3 diffuse cross-lines, crescent mark indistinct, ground colour fawn, hindwing whitish: Pechipogo strigilata (Common Fan-foot)
All remaining species have a darker brown forewing ground colour with better defined cross-lines and a grey-brown hindwing
4. Subterminal cross-line curved to meet costa at apex: Herminia grisealis (Small Fan-foot)
In all remaining species the subterminal cross-line meets the costa proximal to the apex.
5. Subterminal cross-line pale-edged (3 rare migrants)
- Forewing apex subfalcate (termen sinuate), ground colour red-brown, male antenna bipectinate: Pechipogo plumigeralis (Plumed Fan-foot)
- 'Crescent' mark prominent and ring-shaped: Zanclognatha zelleralis (Dusky Fan-foot)
- "Crescent' mark prominent and crescent-shaped: Zanclognatha lunaris (Jubilee fan-foot)
- Terminal line entire, diffuse darker brown band through crescent mark, m without antennal dilation: Herminia tarsicrinalis (Shaded fan-foot)
- Terminal line dashed, no darker band through crescent mark, m with central antennal dilation: Herminia tarsipennalis (Fan-foot)