73.261 Polia nebulosa (Grey Arches)
fw: 21-26mm (Waring & Townsend), ws: 46-58mm (MBGBI9); Jun-Jul; various woody plants; common in broadleaved woodland in England and Wales, more local in Scotland.
ID: Both P.hepatica (Silvery Arches) and P.nebulosa have a whitish to grey forewing (P.nebulosa can be blackish), with distinct, dark-outlined, pale oval, kidney and dart marks. P.nebulosa has a more strongly curved costa especially in the apical 1/3. In P.hepatica the subterminal line is edged proximally with (3) black dashes at costal and dorsal ends and at ~1/3 from costa; P.nebulosa has interneural black arrow marks pointing basally from the subterminal line, the most prominent of which is at the dorsal end. In P.hepatica the grey thorax has a central reddish tuft; in P.nebulosa the thoracic tuft is grey, concolorous with the thorax. P.bombyina (Pale Shining Brown) is similarly marked but shining reddish-brown.
§1 Mull; 30/06/2011; fw 23.8mm
§2 Ardnamurchan; 07/07/2012; male
§3 Ardnamurchan; 07/07/2012; male; fw 24.1mm
§4 Fersit, West Inverness-shire; 27/07/2013; female; fw 24.2mm
§5 Silverdale; Lancashire; 19/06/2014; male; fw 22.0mm
§6 Silverdale; Lancashire; 19/06/2014
§7 Romansleigh, Devon; 29/06/2016; male; fw 22.0mm
§8 Mull; 21/06/2018; female; fw 24.0mm
§9 Kishorn, Ross & Cromarty; 22/06/2022
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Ardnamurchan; 07/07/2012; male
§3 Ardnamurchan; 07/07/2012; male; fw 24.1mm
§4 Fersit, West Inverness-shire; 27/07/2013; female; fw 24.2mm
§5 Silverdale; Lancashire; 19/06/2014; male; fw 22.0mm
§6 Silverdale; Lancashire; 19/06/2014
§7 Romansleigh, Devon; 29/06/2016; male; fw 22.0mm
§8 Mull; 21/06/2018; female; fw 24.0mm
§9 Kishorn, Ross & Cromarty; 22/06/2022
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 23/10/2016 (§1-6) | §7 added 21/03/2017 | §8 added 21/04/2019 | §9 added 11/12/2022