09.001 Lampronia capitella (Currant Shoot Borer)
ws: 14-17mm; Jun; currant or gooseberry (Ribes spp); local in England & Wales
ID: Antenna shorter than forewing; head ferruginous; forewing with a subbasal pale fascia that may not reach the costa and pale postmedian costal and tornal spots. Incurvaria praelatella can have a similar forewing pattern but usually shows an additional white basal spot and is smaller (ws: 11-14mm). L.luzulla is also smaller (ws 11-13mm) and has a fuscous head and the subasal fascia is represented by discrete costal and tornal spots.
§1 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; ~03/06/2016; male; fw 7.mm; specimen netted by day by Ben Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 21/07/2016 (§1)