Taxonomy of British Lepidopteran families
Ref: RES Checklist of the Lepidoptera of the British Isles, Agassiz et al, 2013
Wikipedia: Taxonomy of the Lepidoptera
Where the scheme presented here differs from that adopted by MBGBI, these differences are pointed out in the family pages.
Each British family is given a number in the RES Checklist, these numbers are shown below in the drop-down navigation menus.
3 families (51, 55 & 64) are given numbers in the RES checklist but the only "British" representatives are adventive - I have excluded them.
The only British representatives of family 23 Heliodinidae is extinct.
So in the new taxonomy there are 70 families with extant British representatives
Suborder: Zeugloptera Moths without a proboscis, Mandibles present, Female with single genital opening for mating and laying eggs on segment 9-10
Superfamily: Micropterigoidea Family 01: Micropterigidae
Suborder: Glossata Moths with a coilable proboscis (except Hepialidae)
Infraorder: Dacnonympha Forewing and hindwing with similar venation; Female with single genital opening; Mandibles present
Superfamily: Eriocranoidea Family 02: Eriocraniidae
Infraorder: Exoporia Forewing and hindwing with similar venation; Mandibles absent; Proboscis absent;
Female with two genital openings on segment 9-10 connected by an external groove
Superfamily: Hepialoidea Family 03: Hepialidae
Infraorder: Heteroneura Hindwing with reduced venation compared with forewing; Mandibles absent
Superfamily: Nepticuloidea Families: 04 Nepticulidae; 05 Opostegidae
Superfamily: Adeloidea Families: 06 Heliozelidae; 07 Adelidae; 08 Incurvariidae; 09 Prodoxidae
Superfamily: Tischerioidea Family: 10 Tischeriidae
Superfamily: Tineoidea Families: 11 Psychidae; 12 Tineidae
Superfamily: Gracillarioidea Famileis: 13 Roeslerstammiidae; 14 Bucculatricidae; 15 Gracillariidae
Superfamily: Yponomeutoidea Families: 16 Yponomeutidae; 17 Ypsolophidae; 18 Plutellidae; 19 Glyphipterigidae
20 Argyresthiidae; 21 Lyonetiidae; 22 Praydidae;
24 Bedelliidae; 25 Scythropiidae
Superfamily: Douglasioidea Family: 26 Douglasiidae
Superfamily: Gelechioidea Families: 27 Autostichidae; 28 Oecophoridae; 29 Chimabachidae; 30 Lypusidae
31 Peleopodidae; 32 Depressariidae; 33 Ethmiidae; 34 Cosmopterigidae
35 Gelechiidae; 36 Batrachedridae; 37 Coleophoridae; 38 Elachistidae
39 Parametriotidae; 40 Momphidae; 41 Blastobasidae; 42 Stathmopodidae
43 Scythrididae
Superfamily: Alucitoidea Family: 44 Alucitidae
Superfamily: Pterophoroidea Family: 45 Pterophoridae
Superfamily: Schreckensteinioidea Family: 46 Schreckensteiniidae
Superfamily: Epermenioidea Family: 47 Epermeniidae
Superfamily: Choreutoidea Family: 48 Choreutidae
Superfamily: Tortricoidea Family: 49 Tortricidae
Superfamily: Cossoidea Families: 50 Cossidae; 52 Sesiidae
Superfamily: Zygaenoidea Families: 53 Limacodidae; 54 Zygaenidae
Superfamily: Papilionoidea Families: 56 Papilionidae; 57 Hesperiidae; 58 Pieridae; 59 Nymphalidae; 60 Riodinidae
61 Lycaenidae
Superfamily: Pyraloidea Families: 62 Pyralidae; 63 Crambidae
Superfamily: Drepanoidea Family: 65 Drepanidae
Superfamily: Lasiocampoidea Family: 66 Lasiocampidae
Superfamily: Bombycoidea Families: 67 Endromidae; 68 Saturniidae; 69 Sphingidae
Superfamily: Geometroidea Family: 70 Geometridae
Superfamily: Noctuoidea Family: 71 Notodontidae; 72 Erebidae; 73 Noctuidae; 74 Nolidae
Wikipedia: Taxonomy of the Lepidoptera
Where the scheme presented here differs from that adopted by MBGBI, these differences are pointed out in the family pages.
Each British family is given a number in the RES Checklist, these numbers are shown below in the drop-down navigation menus.
3 families (51, 55 & 64) are given numbers in the RES checklist but the only "British" representatives are adventive - I have excluded them.
The only British representatives of family 23 Heliodinidae is extinct.
So in the new taxonomy there are 70 families with extant British representatives
Suborder: Zeugloptera Moths without a proboscis, Mandibles present, Female with single genital opening for mating and laying eggs on segment 9-10
Superfamily: Micropterigoidea Family 01: Micropterigidae
Suborder: Glossata Moths with a coilable proboscis (except Hepialidae)
Infraorder: Dacnonympha Forewing and hindwing with similar venation; Female with single genital opening; Mandibles present
Superfamily: Eriocranoidea Family 02: Eriocraniidae
Infraorder: Exoporia Forewing and hindwing with similar venation; Mandibles absent; Proboscis absent;
Female with two genital openings on segment 9-10 connected by an external groove
Superfamily: Hepialoidea Family 03: Hepialidae
Infraorder: Heteroneura Hindwing with reduced venation compared with forewing; Mandibles absent
Superfamily: Nepticuloidea Families: 04 Nepticulidae; 05 Opostegidae
Superfamily: Adeloidea Families: 06 Heliozelidae; 07 Adelidae; 08 Incurvariidae; 09 Prodoxidae
Superfamily: Tischerioidea Family: 10 Tischeriidae
Superfamily: Tineoidea Families: 11 Psychidae; 12 Tineidae
Superfamily: Gracillarioidea Famileis: 13 Roeslerstammiidae; 14 Bucculatricidae; 15 Gracillariidae
Superfamily: Yponomeutoidea Families: 16 Yponomeutidae; 17 Ypsolophidae; 18 Plutellidae; 19 Glyphipterigidae
20 Argyresthiidae; 21 Lyonetiidae; 22 Praydidae;
24 Bedelliidae; 25 Scythropiidae
Superfamily: Douglasioidea Family: 26 Douglasiidae
Superfamily: Gelechioidea Families: 27 Autostichidae; 28 Oecophoridae; 29 Chimabachidae; 30 Lypusidae
31 Peleopodidae; 32 Depressariidae; 33 Ethmiidae; 34 Cosmopterigidae
35 Gelechiidae; 36 Batrachedridae; 37 Coleophoridae; 38 Elachistidae
39 Parametriotidae; 40 Momphidae; 41 Blastobasidae; 42 Stathmopodidae
43 Scythrididae
Superfamily: Alucitoidea Family: 44 Alucitidae
Superfamily: Pterophoroidea Family: 45 Pterophoridae
Superfamily: Schreckensteinioidea Family: 46 Schreckensteiniidae
Superfamily: Epermenioidea Family: 47 Epermeniidae
Superfamily: Choreutoidea Family: 48 Choreutidae
Superfamily: Tortricoidea Family: 49 Tortricidae
Superfamily: Cossoidea Families: 50 Cossidae; 52 Sesiidae
Superfamily: Zygaenoidea Families: 53 Limacodidae; 54 Zygaenidae
Superfamily: Papilionoidea Families: 56 Papilionidae; 57 Hesperiidae; 58 Pieridae; 59 Nymphalidae; 60 Riodinidae
61 Lycaenidae
Superfamily: Pyraloidea Families: 62 Pyralidae; 63 Crambidae
Superfamily: Drepanoidea Family: 65 Drepanidae
Superfamily: Lasiocampoidea Family: 66 Lasiocampidae
Superfamily: Bombycoidea Families: 67 Endromidae; 68 Saturniidae; 69 Sphingidae
Superfamily: Geometroidea Family: 70 Geometridae
Superfamily: Noctuoidea Family: 71 Notodontidae; 72 Erebidae; 73 Noctuidae; 74 Nolidae