63.083 Crambus uliginosellus (Marsh Grass-moth)
ws: 18-23mm (Goater), fw: 9-11mm (Sterling & Parsons); Jun-Jul; various grasses; NS-B in damp grassland, bogs and fens in England & Wales
ID: 6 British Crambus species have a white longitudinal streak which is cut by a fine oblique dark line around the distal quarter
In C.silvella the median longitudinal streak extends beyond the subterminal line as a short white patch and the dark line cutting it is less oblique
C.pasquella is larger (ws22-25mm) & darker; its longitudinal streak touches the costa to ~1/3
C.ericella is more uniformly chocolate-brown; its longitudinal streak is separated from costa by a band of ground colour at least as broad as the streak
In both C.pratella and C.lathoniellus the median streak is narrowed towards the base and there is an additional narrow white costal streak; in both these species the hindwing is dark.
In C.silvella the median longitudinal streak extends beyond the subterminal line as a short white patch and the dark line cutting it is less oblique
C.pasquella is larger (ws22-25mm) & darker; its longitudinal streak touches the costa to ~1/3
C.ericella is more uniformly chocolate-brown; its longitudinal streak is separated from costa by a band of ground colour at least as broad as the streak
In both C.pratella and C.lathoniellus the median streak is narrowed towards the base and there is an additional narrow white costal streak; in both these species the hindwing is dark.
Male genitalia
§1 New Forest, Hampshire; 20/06/2016; male; fw 9.4mm; to light
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 26/09/2016 (§1)