57.001 Erynnis tages tages (Dingy Skipper)
ws: 27-34mm; May-Jun, partially bivoltine in south Aug; bird's-foot/greater bird's-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus/pedunculatus), horseshoe vetch (Hippocrepis comosa); local and declining mainly in chalk and limestone areas of central and south England with scattered colonies in north and south Wales, north England and north Scotland
ID: Quite distinctive and not particularly 'dingy' when fresh, but rapidly fades and lives up to its name.
Pyrgus malvae (Grizzled Skipper) is somewhat similar but has a more black and white chequered appearance.
Pyrgus malvae (Grizzled Skipper) is somewhat similar but has a more black and white chequered appearance.
§1 Martin Down, Hampshire; 01/06/2012
§2 Folkestone Warren, Kent; 29/05/2013
§3 Branscombe, Devon; 06/06/2013
§4 Noar Hill, Hampshire; 18/05/2014
§5 Noar Hill, Hampshire; 18/05/2014
§6 Isle of Wight; 31/05/2014
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Folkestone Warren, Kent; 29/05/2013
§3 Branscombe, Devon; 06/06/2013
§4 Noar Hill, Hampshire; 18/05/2014
§5 Noar Hill, Hampshire; 18/05/2014
§6 Isle of Wight; 31/05/2014
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 27/04/2014 (§1-3) | §4&5 added 26/05/2014 | §6 added 05/07/2014