Agonopterix |
Generic features: Head with scales forward-projecting anteriorly, tufted posteriorly and at sides; Antenna 3/4 length of fw, shortly setose in male, simple in female; scape with pecten; Labial palp long, curved dorsally; S2 longer than S3; S2 with dense ventral furrowed brush of scales
Forewing elongate-ovate; apex defined, rounded or squared (or subfalcate in A.nervosa), termen usually straight in costal half; V8&7 long stalk, V2&3 stalked; Hindwing ovate, anal angle dilated; V3&4 connate or on a short stalk
Male genitalia: socii well-developed, uncus usually represented by a small prominence between socii; gnathos single, spined, oblong, borne on 2 slender arms from tegumen; valva triangular, cucullus pointed or rounded, sacculus with terminal free process; aedeagus short and stumpy, usually curved, with bunch of numerous fine cornuti
Female genitalia: OB on S8; DB & CB membranous; signum dentate the teeth arranged in rows.
Forewing elongate-ovate; apex defined, rounded or squared (or subfalcate in A.nervosa), termen usually straight in costal half; V8&7 long stalk, V2&3 stalked; Hindwing ovate, anal angle dilated; V3&4 connate or on a short stalk
Male genitalia: socii well-developed, uncus usually represented by a small prominence between socii; gnathos single, spined, oblong, borne on 2 slender arms from tegumen; valva triangular, cucullus pointed or rounded, sacculus with terminal free process; aedeagus short and stumpy, usually curved, with bunch of numerous fine cornuti
Female genitalia: OB on S8; DB & CB membranous; signum dentate the teeth arranged in rows.
Key to species of Agonopterix
Keys are presented in 5 groups
Some species key in more than one place
Keys are presented in 5 groups
- A. Forewing dark purplish or crimson brown
- B. Forewing with at least one white/whitish dot in disc
- C. Upper aspect of foretibia and tarsus uniformly dark fuscous or black
- D. Labial palp S3 without dark markings
- E. Labial palp S3 with dark markings
Some species key in more than one place
A. Forewing dark purplish or crimson brown |
ws: 11-15mm fw: 6-7mm |
ws: 17-20mm, fw: 8-10mm |
Tegulae dark purplish contrasting with thorax |
Tegulae and thorax concolorous |
B. Forewing with at least one white/whitish dot in disc |
Dark line from white discal dot to tornus |
A.astrantae |
Terminal cilia pinkish from apex, buff around tornus |
Discrete red mark in disc |
Head, thorax and base of forewing white, contrasting strongly with rest of forewing |
Head, thorax and base of forewing buff, concolorous with rest of forewing |
Forewing veins dark-lined |
Labial palp S3 buff |
A.putridella |
Labial palp S3 with dark fuscous bands and tip |
A.yeatiana |
Labial palp S3 entirely buff |
A.atomella |
Forewing with only one white/whitish dot in disc |
Forewing dark brownish fuscous, S3 of labial palp with one dark band and pale tip |
Forewing buff, S3 of labial palp with two dark bands and dark tip |
ws16-17mm; fw ~8mm |
A.curvipunctosa |
ws 18-22mm; fw 9-11mm |
Forewing with more than one white/whitish dots in disc* |
Forewing base heavily irrorate with white scales |
Hindwing dark grey |
Abdominal dorsum blackish medially, buff laterally |
A.capreolella |
Apex squared |
Hindwing cilia with 5 fuscous lines |
Hindwing cilia with 2-3 fuscous lines |
* Specimens keying here may need genital dissection for confirmation of species
Comment: the separation of A.heracliana / A.ciliella seems particularly difficult, partly because it is not always easy to determine the number of ciliary lines with certainty and partly because genital differences are minor and I am not sure I have mastered them yet - more work needed.
E. Labial palp S3 with dark markings |
Terminal cilia pinkish from apex, buff around tornus |
Forewing with black/cloudy fuscous blotch in disc |
Blotch at 3/5 somewhat extended towards tornus |
A.assimilella |
Blotch at or proximal to 1/2 not extended towards tornus |
Forewing underside buff, disc hardly darker than border |
A.carduella |
Forewing underside fuscous, disc darker than buff border |
> Key E1 |
Forewing with veins dark-lined |
ws 20-22mm |
ws 14-19mm |
Forewing with basal fuscous line |
Forewing with black terminal dots |
A.propinquella |
Forewing without terminal dots |
A.curvipunctosa |
Forewing without basal fuscous line, but sometimes with basal dot |
Forewing with blackish terminal dots |
Forewing without terminal dots |
A.nanatella |
E1 |
Labial palp S3 with buff tip |
A.nanatella |
Labial palp S3 with dark tip |
Forewing with basal fuscous line |
Forewing buff, irregularly suffused brown, short streak on V6 near termen |
Forewing evenly suffused brown, no streak on V6 |
A.propinquella |
Forewing without basal fuscous line |
Comment: The dark tip of S3 of the labial palp may be only a few dark scales; the basal fuscous line may be somewhat obscure and the short streak on V6 of A.arenella is never very well-marked in my experience.