71.017 Pheosia tremula (Swallow Prominent)
fw: 22-28mm (W&T), ws: 50-64mm (MBGBI9); bivoltine Apr-Jun, Aug; aspen & other poplars (Populus spp), willows/sallows (Salix spp); common throughout GB
ID: Antenna bipectinate in male, ciliate in female; labial palps very short; eyes glabrous. Very similar to P.gnoma (Lesser Swallow Prominent). These two can be distinguished by a narrow white wedge that extends along the dorsum from the tornus. In P.gnoma this wedge is distinct and short, extending less than halfway to wing-base; in P.tremula it is less distinct and longer, extending at least halfway to wing base. In the hindwing both species show a dark brown tornal spot: in P.tremula this spot is small and intersected by a white marginal line; in P.gnoma it is diffuse and not intersected.
§1 Foulness, Essex; 12/08/2007; male; fw 24.3mm
§2 Ham Fen, Kent; 22/05/2010
§3 Pound Wood, Essex; 17/08/2019; male; fw 22.2mm
§4 Foulness, Essex; 16/05/2020; female; fw 27.0mm
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Ham Fen, Kent; 22/05/2010
§3 Pound Wood, Essex; 17/08/2019; male; fw 22.2mm
§4 Foulness, Essex; 16/05/2020; female; fw 27.0mm
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 18/12/2014 (§1-2) | §3 added 17/12/2019 | §4 added 16/01/2021