15.064 Phyllonorycter coryli (Nut Leaf Blister Moth)
ws: 7.0-8.5mm; bivoltine May, Aug; hazel (Corylis avellana); common throughout UK.
ID: Group C - Forewing markings appear white on a coloured background, C1D1 not forming a transverse fascia, thorax with a white median line; 4C3D; strigulae with some black edging (largely worn in §1); angle between anterior borders of C1D1 acute; forewing ground colour brown (not orange); antenna white, lightly marked fuscous in outer 2/3, apical segment not dark > P.coryli
§1 Brampton Wood, Cambridgeshire; 11/06/2014; male; fw 3.8mm
§2 Pound Wood, Essex; 20/05/2020; male; fw 4.0mm
§3 Covert Woods, Kent; 24/07/2022; female; fw 3.0mm
§4 Covert Woods, Kent; 24/07/2022; female; fw 3.2mm
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Pound Wood, Essex; 20/05/2020; male; fw 4.0mm
§3 Covert Woods, Kent; 24/07/2022; female; fw 3.0mm
§4 Covert Woods, Kent; 24/07/2022; female; fw 3.2mm
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 03/02/2015 (§1) | §2 added 18/01/2021 | §3&4 added 21/12/2022