70.156 Eupithecia abbreviata (Brindled Pug)
fw: 10-12mm; Mar-May; Quercus spp
(pedunculate/sessile oak); Crataegus spp (hawthorns); common in England, Wales
and lowland Scotland.
ID: Small, distinct, elongate central spot; black streaks projecting proximally from pale postmedian line; ground colour usually brown.
The melanic form hirschkei is said by Waring to be distinguishable from other melanics by wing-shape, but I would think genital dissection is required for confident ID.
The melanic form hirschkei is said by Waring to be distinguishable from other melanics by wing-shape, but I would think genital dissection is required for confident ID.
§1 Sutton Fen, Norfolk; 24/04/2009; fw 11.0mm
§2 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 19/04/2011; male; fw 11.0mm
§3 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 15/04/2012; female
§4 Exmoor, Devon; 27/04/2012
§5 Struy, Inverness-shire; 30/04/2016; female; fw 11.0mm
§6 Struy, Inverness-shire; 03/05/2016; male; fw 11.4mm
§7 New Forest, Hampshire; 15/05/2018; female; fw 10.1mm
§8 Pound Wood, Essex; 14/03/2020; female; fw 10.9mm; to light
§9 Pound Wood, Essex; 25/03/2021
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 19/04/2011; male; fw 11.0mm
§3 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 15/04/2012; female
§4 Exmoor, Devon; 27/04/2012
§5 Struy, Inverness-shire; 30/04/2016; female; fw 11.0mm
§6 Struy, Inverness-shire; 03/05/2016; male; fw 11.4mm
§7 New Forest, Hampshire; 15/05/2018; female; fw 10.1mm
§8 Pound Wood, Essex; 14/03/2020; female; fw 10.9mm; to light
§9 Pound Wood, Essex; 25/03/2021
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 25/11/2013 (§1-4) | §5&6 added 25/06/2017 | §7 added 30/05/2018 | §8 added 29/03/2020 | §9 added 26/03/2021