Suborder:Glossata Infraorder:Heteroneura Superfamily:Papilionoidea
Refs: Wikipedia; BBI (Easterbrook); CBG (Tolman & Lewington); RES Checklist (Agassiz et al); UKButterflies
Forewing radial vein with 3 or 4 branches and rarely with 5 branches. The forelegs are well developed in both sexes; Tarsal claws are bifid
Refs: Wikipedia; BBI (Easterbrook); CBG (Tolman & Lewington); RES Checklist (Agassiz et al); UKButterflies
Forewing radial vein with 3 or 4 branches and rarely with 5 branches. The forelegs are well developed in both sexes; Tarsal claws are bifid
Subfamily: Dysmorphiinae (1G 1S)
Subfamily: Pierinae (2T 4G 6S)
Tribe: Anthocharini
Tribe: Anthocharini
Tribe: Pierini
Pieris (3S)
Pieris (3S)
005 Aporia crataegi (Black-veined White) EXTINCT |
009 Pontia daplidice (Bath White) Rare migrant. There have been large irruptions eg 700 in 1945, but only 20 records since 1952. |
Subfamily: Coliadinae (2T 2G 5S)
Colias (3S)
010 Colias croceus (Clouded Yellow)
011 Colias hyale (Pale Clouded Yellow)
Rare migrant Very similar to C.croceus form hyale and cannot be distinguished from C.alfacariensis without genital dissection. |
012 Colias alfacariensis (Berger's Clouded Yellow)
Rare migrant Very similar to C.croceus form hyale and cannot be distinguished from C.hyale without genital dissection. |
Gonepteryx (2S)