73.271 Ceramica pisi (Broom Moth)
fw: 16-20mm (Waring & Townsend), ws: 33-42mm (MBGBI9); May-Jul; various herbaceous and woody plants; common throughout GB.
Synonym: Melanchra pisi (Waring & Townsend)
Synonym: Melanchra pisi (Waring & Townsend)
ID: Forewing ground colour ranges from pale reddish-brown to dark purplish-brown and is often somewhat variegated; prominent wavy pale subterminal line which broadens at its dorsal end.
§1 New Forest, Hampshire; 28/05/2010
§2 Cyffdy Farm, Gwynedd; 22/06/2010 §3 Bridge of Awe, Moray; 24/06/2011; male §4 Buttermere, Cumbria; 20/06/2014 §5 Buttermere, Cumbria; 20/06/2014 §6 Buttermere, Cumbria; 20/06/2014 §7 Buttermere, Cumbria; 26/06/2014 §8 Coniston, Cumbria; 14/07/2015 §9 New Forest, Hampshire; 15/05/2018; male §10 Bampton Grange, Cumbria; 10/06/2023; male; fw 18.4mm §11 Bampton Grange, Cumbria; 10/06/2023; female; fw 18.4mm All images © Chris Lewis |
§L1 Fersit, West Inverness-shire; 29/07/2013
§L2 Glen Shiel, West Ross; 07/09/2014 |
Page published 23/10/2016 (§1-8) | §9 added 07/05/2019 | §10&11 added 21/09/2023