63.036 Udea decrepitalis (Scottish Pearl)
ws: 23-27mm; May-Jul, mainly diurnal; narrow buckler-fern (Dryopteris carthusiana); NS-A - in ravines and by lochs in Scottish Highlands
ID: Forewing pale greyish-ochreous, with browner costa and stigmata and faint pale postmedian line. Hindwing pale ochreous with browner terminal border and 2 small discal dots. Goater states that: "the pale colouration and dark borders to both fore- and hindwings distinguish this from related species". However, the darker terminal band on the forewing seems to be a variable feature. Terminal interneural dots also seem to be a regular feature of this species, though variable in strength (and not mentioned by Goater).
Male genitalia
§1 Allt Mhuic, Highlands; 30/05/2015 - donated for photograph by Butterfly Conservation worker
§2 Allt Mhuic, Highlands; 30/05/2015; male; fw 10.8mm - netted by day
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Allt Mhuic, Highlands; 30/05/2015; male; fw 10.8mm - netted by day
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 30/05/2015 (§1-2)