Subfamily: Geometrinae (10G [1EX] 12S [1CI 1EX])
EMERALDS. Generally characterised by being green with 2 (usually) white cross-lines on the forewing and (usually) 1 white cross-line on the hindwing
305 Hemithea aestivaria
(Common Emerald) |
306 Chlorissa viridata
(Small Grass Emerald) Jun-Jul; various heathland plants; NS-A largely confined to New Forest |
307 Chlorissa cloraria
(Southern Grass Emerald) Rare migrant with a single British record Portland, July 2014 Resident on Channel Islands |
Key to the extant British Geometrinae:
Note that in most species the colour fades towards white with age
Reddish > Aplasta ononaria (Rest Harrow) largely confined to sand-dunes in Kent (though increasingly seen in Essex) and not a typical 'Emerald'
Antemedian and postmedian lines a darker green than the ground colour > Pseudoterpna pruinata (Grass Emerald)
Chequered border
- Pale cream tornal blotch > Comibaena bajularia (Blotched Emerald)
- One point on hindwing termen > Hemithea aestivaria (Common Emerald)
- Two points on hindwing termen > Thaleria fimbrialis (Sussex Emerald) confined to coastal shingle at Dungeness, Kent
Large (fw 24-29mm); hindwing margins scalloped > Geometra papilionaria (Large Emerald)
Medium (fw 17-20mm) > Hemistola chrysoprasaria (Small Emerald)
Small (fw 11-13mm); dull green; gold forewing costa > Chlorissa viridata (Small Grass Emerald) largely confined to New Forest
Small (fw 11-13mm); pale greenish-white > Jodis lactearia (Little Emerald)
Beware Campaea margaritata (Light Emerald) (Ennominae) which has a reddish spot at the forewing apex and dark borders to the white cross-lines
Note that in most species the colour fades towards white with age
Reddish > Aplasta ononaria (Rest Harrow) largely confined to sand-dunes in Kent (though increasingly seen in Essex) and not a typical 'Emerald'
Antemedian and postmedian lines a darker green than the ground colour > Pseudoterpna pruinata (Grass Emerald)
Chequered border
- Pale cream tornal blotch > Comibaena bajularia (Blotched Emerald)
- One point on hindwing termen > Hemithea aestivaria (Common Emerald)
- Two points on hindwing termen > Thaleria fimbrialis (Sussex Emerald) confined to coastal shingle at Dungeness, Kent
Large (fw 24-29mm); hindwing margins scalloped > Geometra papilionaria (Large Emerald)
Medium (fw 17-20mm) > Hemistola chrysoprasaria (Small Emerald)
Small (fw 11-13mm); dull green; gold forewing costa > Chlorissa viridata (Small Grass Emerald) largely confined to New Forest
Small (fw 11-13mm); pale greenish-white > Jodis lactearia (Little Emerald)
Beware Campaea margaritata (Light Emerald) (Ennominae) which has a reddish spot at the forewing apex and dark borders to the white cross-lines