Subfamily: Lymantriinae (5T 7G+1EX 10S+1EX)
Formerly treated as Family: Lymantriidae (MBGBI9)
Antenna strongly bipectinate to apex in male, shortly bipectinate or ciliate in female; proboscis reduced or absent
Tribe: Arctornithiini (1G 1S)
Arctornis 008 Arctornis l-nigrum (Black V Moth) fw: 19-27mm; Jun-Jul; elms (Ulmus spp); transient resident at Bradwell-on-sea, Essex 1947-1960; otherwise a rare migrant with 4 British records 1904 to 2015 |
Tribe: Leucomini (1G 1S)
Leucoma 009 Leucoma salicis (White Satin Moth) |
Tribe: Lymantriini (1G 2S)
Lymantria (2S)
Lymantria (2S)
Tribe: Nygmiini (1G 2S)
Euproctis (2S)
Euproctis (2S)
Tribe: Orgyiini (3G+1EX 4S+1EX)
014 Laelia coenosa (Reed Tussock) - Extinct since 1879
014 Laelia coenosa (Reed Tussock) - Extinct since 1879