Suborder:Glossata Infraorder:Heteroneura Superfamily:Gelechioidea
Ref: MBGBI4.1
ws: 7-18mm; Rest with body near horozontal, forewings involute, antennae alongside body; Head smooth-scaled; Ocelli absent (in British species);
Antennae 3/4 length of fw, scape widening distally, with or without pecten; Maxillary palps very short or absent; Labial palps porrect, S2 often thickened with coarse scales, S2 as long as or slightly longer than S3, S3 angled up; Proboscis scaled; Forewing elongate, without tornus, usually with scale tufts; Hindwing 3/4 length 1/2 width of fw, lanceolate, dorsal cilia 1.5-2.5x width of wing; Hindleg with dorsal comb of hairs;
Abdomen with a patch of dorsal spines on S2-6
Male genitalia: uncus long, pointed; gnathos absent; tegumen spherical, narrowing distally; valva broad with cucullus separate from sacculus
Female genitalia: corpus bursae oval with 2 sickle-shaped signa.
Keyed as: hindwing cilia longer than hindwing breadth > head smooth-scaled, scales broader than shaft of antenna > hindtibia with long hairs but without long bristles > exclude Lyonetiidae (ws<9mm, white, metallic tornal spot) > hindwing very narrow with acute apex
Ref: MBGBI4.1
ws: 7-18mm; Rest with body near horozontal, forewings involute, antennae alongside body; Head smooth-scaled; Ocelli absent (in British species);
Antennae 3/4 length of fw, scape widening distally, with or without pecten; Maxillary palps very short or absent; Labial palps porrect, S2 often thickened with coarse scales, S2 as long as or slightly longer than S3, S3 angled up; Proboscis scaled; Forewing elongate, without tornus, usually with scale tufts; Hindwing 3/4 length 1/2 width of fw, lanceolate, dorsal cilia 1.5-2.5x width of wing; Hindleg with dorsal comb of hairs;
Abdomen with a patch of dorsal spines on S2-6
Male genitalia: uncus long, pointed; gnathos absent; tegumen spherical, narrowing distally; valva broad with cucullus separate from sacculus
Female genitalia: corpus bursae oval with 2 sickle-shaped signa.
Keyed as: hindwing cilia longer than hindwing breadth > head smooth-scaled, scales broader than shaft of antenna > hindtibia with long hairs but without long bristles > exclude Lyonetiidae (ws<9mm, white, metallic tornal spot) > hindwing very narrow with acute apex
Mompha (15S)