69.016 Deilephila elpenor (Elephant Hawkmoth)
fw: 28-33mm, ws 62-72mm; May-Aug; willowherbs (Epilobium spp), bedstraws (Galium sp); common in England & Wales, less common in Scotland
ID: An unmistakeable pink and yellow-green hawkmoth. Note that the forewing shows an inconspicuous but constant patch of white scales near the centre. D.porcellus (Small Elephant Hawkmoth) has similar coloration but is much smaller (fw 21-25mm). D.elpenor has a well-marked central loop of pink, and lateral curved stripes of pink, on its yellow-green thorax and a pink central stripe along the dorsum of the abdomen. D.porcellus has smudgy pink markings on the thorax and lacks any abdominal stripe.
§1 Leigh-on-sea, Essex; 07/06/2008
§2 Foulness, Essex; 21/06/2009
§3 St Lawrence, Isle of Wight; 02/06/2014
§4 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 04/07/2018; mlae; fw 32mm
§5 Bratton Fleming, Devon; 30/05/2024
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Foulness, Essex; 21/06/2009
§3 St Lawrence, Isle of Wight; 02/06/2014
§4 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 04/07/2018; mlae; fw 32mm
§5 Bratton Fleming, Devon; 30/05/2024
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 15/11/2014 (§1-3) | §4 added 05/11/2018 | §5 added 26/09/2024