70.056 Catarhoe cuculata (Royal Mantle)
fw: 12-14mm; Jun-Jul; bedstraws (Galium spp); local on calcareous soils in S.England, E.Anglia & EC.Scotland
ID: unlikely to be confused with any other species
§1 Galmpton, Devon; 26/07/2010; fw 13.2mm (removed, worn)
§2 Cranwich Heath, Norfolk; 05/07/2018; female; fw 13.1mm
§3 Heydon, Cambrisgeshire; 26/06/2024; female; fw 14.5mm
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Cranwich Heath, Norfolk; 05/07/2018; female; fw 13.1mm
§3 Heydon, Cambrisgeshire; 26/06/2024; female; fw 14.5mm
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 08/04/2013 (§1) | §1 removed & §2 added 30/04/2019 | §3 added 06/10/2024