35.075 Monochroa arundinetella (Pond-sedge Miner)
ws: 9-10mm; Jun-Jul; greater/lesser pond-sedge (Carex riparia/acutiformis); uncommon in swamps and fens and river banks in England S. of Wash-Severn line
ID to genus from male genital key: Abdominal segment 8 forming complete ring around genitalia; uncus not divided into two lobes; valvae symmetrical; gnathos absent; tegumen with uncus shorter than valvae; uncus short and wide, hardly differentiated from tegumen; valva not expanded towards apex; aedeagus stout, tapering; sacculus not circular, often curved > Monochroa
ID to species: Forewing ochreous-fuscous with 2 or 3 stigmata, without blackish longitudinal streaks; abdomen fuscous (dorsal surface of S2&3 not ochreous-yellow); head fuscous; apical portion of antenna with irregularly spaced white annulations; labial palp S3 whitish with fuscous apex > M.arundinetella
Male genitalia: this is the only species of Monochroa to combine an abrupt narrowing of the valva towards the apex with a small tooth on a truncate apex.
Discussion: according to MBGBI4.2 S2 of labial palp should be whitish with a fuscous apex (as for S3). In specimen §1 S2 appears to be entirely fuscous, possibly lighter at extreme base. With a fw length of 5.0mm the wingspan of specimen §1 would be marginally larger than the quoted range.
ID to species: Forewing ochreous-fuscous with 2 or 3 stigmata, without blackish longitudinal streaks; abdomen fuscous (dorsal surface of S2&3 not ochreous-yellow); head fuscous; apical portion of antenna with irregularly spaced white annulations; labial palp S3 whitish with fuscous apex > M.arundinetella
Male genitalia: this is the only species of Monochroa to combine an abrupt narrowing of the valva towards the apex with a small tooth on a truncate apex.
Discussion: according to MBGBI4.2 S2 of labial palp should be whitish with a fuscous apex (as for S3). In specimen §1 S2 appears to be entirely fuscous, possibly lighter at extreme base. With a fw length of 5.0mm the wingspan of specimen §1 would be marginally larger than the quoted range.
§1 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 23/17/2008; male; fw 5.0mm
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published November 2011 (§1)