61.004 Favonius quercus (Purple Hairstreak)
ws: 32-39mm; Jul-Aug; oaks (Quercus spp); fairly common in woodland
with oaks in England and Wales, much more local in Scotland.
ID: When seen well the purple upperside, single white cross-line and single black spot on the hindwing underside make it unmistakable – but since it is usually seen flying around the tops of oak trees it is not easy to see well.
§1 Ardnamurchan, Argyll; 11/07/2012; male
§2 Cherry Orchard CP, Essex; 22/07/2014
§3 Orlestone Forest, Kent; 26/07/2018; male; fw 15.6mm
§4 Pound Wood, Essex; 22/07/2020; to light!
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Cherry Orchard CP, Essex; 22/07/2014
§3 Orlestone Forest, Kent; 26/07/2018; male; fw 15.6mm
§4 Pound Wood, Essex; 22/07/2020; to light!
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 06/07/2014 (§1) | §2 added 23/07/2014 | §3 added 30/05/2019 | §4 added 01/02/2021