01.003 Micropterix aureatella (Yellow-barred Pollen-moth)
ws 8-11mm (MBGBI1), fw: 4-5mm (Sterling & Parsons): May-Jun; adults feed on pollen of various herbaceous plants especially sedges (Carex spp) in woodland and moorland throughout UK.
ID: Head ferruginous (not black); forewing purple (not gold) with two broad pale yellow fasciae
§1 Middle Dodd, Cumbria; 15/06/2019; female; fw 4.5mm; netted by day
§2 Loch Rannoch, Perthshire; 12/06/2021; netted by day
§3 Loch Rannoch, Perthshire; 12/06/2021; female; fw 4.5mm; netted by day
§4 Loch Rannoch, Perthshire; 17/06/2021; male; fw 3.9mm; netted by day
§5 Applecross, Ross & Cromarty; 20/06/2022; netted by day
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Loch Rannoch, Perthshire; 12/06/2021; netted by day
§3 Loch Rannoch, Perthshire; 12/06/2021; female; fw 4.5mm; netted by day
§4 Loch Rannoch, Perthshire; 17/06/2021; male; fw 3.9mm; netted by day
§5 Applecross, Ross & Cromarty; 20/06/2022; netted by day
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 30/06/2019 (§1) - dissection images added 22/01/2020 | §2-4 added 14/09/2021 | §5 added 11/12/2022