15.018 Povolnya leucapennella (Scarce Oak Stilt)
ws:12–14mm; Jul‐May with most emerging Sep‐Oct; oak (Quercus spp); local in oak woodlands throughout UK except SE.England.
Synonym: Caloptilia leucapennella (MBGBI2)
Synonym: Caloptilia leucapennella (MBGBI2)
ID: Head smooth; hindtibia without bristles, midtibia thickened with projecting scales; S2 of labial palp tufted; forewing ground colour pale yellowish (form leucapennella) or pale reddish (form aurantiella) (there is a full range of intermediate colouration between the two named forms). Caloptilia cucullipennella can be similar and also has a tufted labial palp - it possesses a distinct dark band through the terminal cilia (plain in P.leucapennella)
Female genitalia
§1 form leucapennella: Struy, Inverness-shire; 01/05/2016; female; fw 7.0mm; to light
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 23/05/2016 (§1)