63.084 Crambus ericella (Northern Heath Grass-moth)
ws: 21-28mm (Goater), fw: 3.5-4.5mm (Sterling & Parsons); Jul-Aug; various grasses; NS-A - heath, moorland and limestone crags in NW.England & Scotland
ID: 6 Crambus species have a white median forewing streak, which is cut obliquely by a dark line at 2/3-3/4, and a distinct angulate subterminal line. This pattern is not shown by any other Crambid genus. In C.pascuella (ws22-25mm) the median streak touches the costa at the base of the wing and does not extend beyond the subterminal line. In C.silvella (ws22-26mm) the median streak extends beyond the subterminal line as a short white patch and the dark line cutting it is less oblique. C.uligonosellus is relatively small (ws18-23mm) & pale; its longitudinal streak touches the costa to 1/2 & reaches the termen, though obscured beyond the subterminal line. C.ericella (ws21-28mm) is more uniformly chocolate-brown; its longitudinal streak is separated from costa by a band of ground colour at least as broad as the streak. In both C.pratella and C.lathoniellus the median streak is narrowed towards the base and there is an additional narrow white costal streak; in both these species the hindwing is dark. In C.pratella the costal border of the longitudinal streak is angled while in C.lathoniellus it is straight. C.hamella shares the basic pattern except that the median streak is not cut by an oblique dark line. It is characterised by angled dorsal offshoot from the median streak angled distally and a dark brown mark at the apex. C.perlella may be all white or show a distinctive pattern of streaks.
Male genitalia
Female genitalia
§1 Great Asby Scar, Cumbria; 19/06/2017; male; fw 9.5mm; netted by day
§2 Great Asby Scar, Cumbria; 19/06/2017; male; fw 8.7mm; netted by day
§3 Great Asby Scar, Cumbria; 19/06/2017; female; fw 9.5mm; netted by day
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Great Asby Scar, Cumbria; 19/06/2017; male; fw 8.7mm; netted by day
§3 Great Asby Scar, Cumbria; 19/06/2017; female; fw 9.5mm; netted by day
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 24/06/2017 (§2) | §1 added 16/12/2017 | §3 added 18/03/2018