Suborder:Glossata Infraorder:Heteroneura Superfamily:Zygaenoidea
Refs: Field guide to the moths of Great Britain and Ireland - Waring, Townsend and Lewington; MBGBI2
Diurnal; Wings held in tectiform position at rest, with antennae pointing forward; Ocelli present
Chaetosemata present (paired structures of unknown function, on top of head between compound eye and ocellus on each side)
Labial palps moderate, ascending; terminal segment short, pointed; Maxillary palp present; Proboscis well-developed, naked
Frenulum and retinaculum present
Refs: Field guide to the moths of Great Britain and Ireland - Waring, Townsend and Lewington; MBGBI2
Diurnal; Wings held in tectiform position at rest, with antennae pointing forward; Ocelli present
Chaetosemata present (paired structures of unknown function, on top of head between compound eye and ocellus on each side)
Labial palps moderate, ascending; terminal segment short, pointed; Maxillary palp present; Proboscis well-developed, naked
Frenulum and retinaculum present
Subfamily: Procridinae (2G, 3S)
Forewing green, V8&9 separate; hindwing fuscous; antenna weakly clubbed, bipectinate in male, weakly dentate in female; hindtibia with apical spurs only.
Subfamily: Zygaeninae (1G,7S)
Forewing black, spotted or streaked with red, V8&9 on a common stalk; hindwing red, bordered black; antenna with a gradual club
Zygaena (7S)
Zygaena (7S)
Subgenus: Zygaena
Subfamily: Procridinae (2G 3S)
Genera: Adscita (2S), Jordanita
Subfamily: Zygaeninae (1G 7S)
Genus: Zygaena (7S)
Genera: Adscita (2S), Jordanita
Subfamily: Zygaeninae (1G 7S)
Genus: Zygaena (7S)
All images © Chris Lewis