73.362 Xestia (Megasema) ashworthii (Ashworth's Rustic)
fw: 16-20mm (Waring & Townsend), ws: 35-40mm (MBGBI9); Jun-Aug; various herbaceous plants; NS-A on steep rocky ground in N.Wales
ID: Forewing ground colour ranges from light to dark grey; well-marked blackish basal, antemedian and postmedian lines; diffuse and indistinct median and subterminal lines; antemedian and postmedian lines accentuated on costa, subterminal line forming a costal blotch; antemedian line with a subdorsal angulation towards the base; postmedian line dentate throughout; dark smudge between indistinct oval and kidney marks.
Male genitalia
§1 Sychnant Pass, Gwynedd; 18/07/2015; male; fw 18.0mm; to light
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 18/08/2015 (§1)