12.023 Triaxomasia caprimulgella (Tree Hollow Moth)
ws: 9-11mm (MBGBI2); Jun-Jul; RDB SE.England.
ID: A monospecific genus similar to Nemapogon. Generic distinctions from Nemapogon are: 1) small spines at the apex of the tarsal segments (a feature shared with Triaxomera; the spines are so small that the leg needs descaling to see them); 2) labial palps short (<½ eye diameter) and shorter than maxillary palps. Head ochreous. Forewing dark fuscous with somewhat variable whitish markings, but usually: a spot at base of dorsum, a subbasal fascia, a tornal spot, a median costal spot and one or two postmedian/subapical costal spots.
Male genitalia:
Female genitalia:
Male genitalia:
Female genitalia:
§1 Boreham, Essex; 24/06/2023; male; fw 4.7mm; to HOR pheromone; specimen obtained by Graham Ekins
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 06/07/2023 (§1)