73.122 Gortyna borelii (Fisher's Estuarine Moth)
ws: 42-58mm (MBGBI10), fw: 21-24mm (Waring & Townsend); Sep-Oct; hog’s fennel (Peucedanum officinale); RDB – sea-walls around Hamford Water, Essex and in N.Kent.
Protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) which prohibits killing, injuring, collecting, possessing, disturbing, buying, selling and habitat destruction
Protected under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) which prohibits killing, injuring, collecting, possessing, disturbing, buying, selling and habitat destruction
ID: Similar to but larger than G.flavago (Frosted Orange) which has fw 16-19mm; ground colour of G.borelii is more ochreous, G.flavago more orange and stigmata of G.borelii are more whitish, G.gilvago more yellow; G.gilvago has a subbasal fascia as well-marked as the subterminal fascia - this is much weaker in G.borelii, a broad streak from a pale spot on the basal line through the stigmata being more prominent.
§1 Hamford Water, Essex; 14/09/2019; female
§2 Hamford Water, Essex; 14/09/2019; female
§3 Hamford Water, Essex; 14/09/2019; female
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Hamford Water, Essex; 14/09/2019; female
§3 Hamford Water, Essex; 14/09/2019; female
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 15/09/2019 (§1-3)