Diurnea (2S)
Females brachypterous; Head with anteriorly directed appressed scales; Antenna 3/5 length of fw; fasciculate-ciliate in male, simple in female; scape short, without pecten; Labial palp S2 2x length of S3; S2 densely clothed with rough scales which cover proximal half of S3
Forewing oblong in male, apex rounded, termen oblique; V7 to apex; Hindwing oblong-ovate in male; V4&3 connate or approximate
Male genitalia: sacculus distended, cucullus elongate & pointed
Females brachypterous; Head with anteriorly directed appressed scales; Antenna 3/5 length of fw; fasciculate-ciliate in male, simple in female; scape short, without pecten; Labial palp S2 2x length of S3; S2 densely clothed with rough scales which cover proximal half of S3
Forewing oblong in male, apex rounded, termen oblique; V7 to apex; Hindwing oblong-ovate in male; V4&3 connate or approximate
Male genitalia: sacculus distended, cucullus elongate & pointed
001 Diurnea fagella (Early Reveller)
002 Diurnea lipsiella (Late Reveller)
003 Dasystoma salicella (Spring Reveller)
ws: 17-20mm; Apr, diurnal; wide range of host plants; NS-B local in heath, scrub and woodland in England and Wales. |