GELECHIIDAE | Gelechiinae | Litini
35.161 Parachronistis albiceps (Hazel Bud Moth)
ws: 10-11mm (MBGBI4.2); Jul-Aug: hazel (Corylus avellana); common in S.England and Wales (Essex RDB)
Generic features: Labial palps long and slender; antenna without pecten; forewing lanceolate, elongate with tufts of partially erect scales; hindwing narrower than forewing, trapezoidal, apex pointed, termen emarginate; abdomen with dorsum of S1-3 lighter coloured than S4-8.
Male genitalia with valva separated into a spatulate, subtriangular cucullus and an angulate sacculus, saccus fused to base of aedeagus.
Female genitalia: antrum strongly sclerotised with a series of constrictions; signum denticulate, irregular.
ID: Similar to Carpatolechia species from which it can be distinguished by its white head
Male genitalia: abdominal S8 divided into separate dorsal and ventral plates (the dorsal plate in this species appears hardly sclerotised, the ventral plate strongly developed); gnathos simple (as opposed to absent or bilobed; but it is not simple in the sense that the apex has a spined rounded central process); valvae flat with a produced apex.
Male genitalia with valva separated into a spatulate, subtriangular cucullus and an angulate sacculus, saccus fused to base of aedeagus.
Female genitalia: antrum strongly sclerotised with a series of constrictions; signum denticulate, irregular.
ID: Similar to Carpatolechia species from which it can be distinguished by its white head
Male genitalia: abdominal S8 divided into separate dorsal and ventral plates (the dorsal plate in this species appears hardly sclerotised, the ventral plate strongly developed); gnathos simple (as opposed to absent or bilobed; but it is not simple in the sense that the apex has a spined rounded central process); valvae flat with a produced apex.
§1 Pound Wood, Essex; 30/06/2019; male; fw 4.7mm
§2 Pound Wood, Essex; 11/07/2019; male
§3 Pound Wood, Essex; 23/07/2019; female
§4 Stour Wood, Essex; 08/07/2021; male; fw 5.0mm
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Pound Wood, Essex; 11/07/2019; male
§3 Pound Wood, Essex; 23/07/2019; female
§4 Stour Wood, Essex; 08/07/2021; male; fw 5.0mm
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 07/07/2019 (§1) | §2 added 25/02/2020 | §3 added 01/03/2020 | §4 added 20/07/2021