GELECHIIDAE | Gelechiinae | Gnorimoschemini
35.132 Caryocolum fraternella (Stitchwort Groundling)
ws: 9-13mm; Jun-Aug; bog/lesser stitchwort (Stellaria uliginosa/graminea), field/common mouse-ear (Cerastium arvense/fontanum); local in dry grassland and heaths in England, Wales and S.Scotland
ID: Thorax ochreous; Forewing costa fuscous, no dark bar between costa and fold between ⅙ and ⅓, no white triangle at ½
Male genitalia: Saccus broad-based, narrowing abruptly to ¼ then narrow to apex; posterior margin of vinculum with a broad mid-line 'U'-shaped notch with raised bifid margins; sacculus strongly bifid (valva vestigial or absent?))
Male genitalia: Saccus broad-based, narrowing abruptly to ¼ then narrow to apex; posterior margin of vinculum with a broad mid-line 'U'-shaped notch with raised bifid margins; sacculus strongly bifid (valva vestigial or absent?))
Male genitalia
Saccus broad-based, narrowing abruptly to ¼ then narrow to apex; posterior margin of vinculum with a broad mid-line 'U'-shaped notch with raised bifid margins; sacculus strongly bifid
Saccus broad-based, narrowing abruptly to ¼ then narrow to apex; posterior margin of vinculum with a broad mid-line 'U'-shaped notch with raised bifid margins; sacculus strongly bifid
§1 Foulness, Essex; 16/08/2011; male; fw 5.0mm (removed - worn specimen)
§2 Foulness, Essex; 03/08/2018; male; fw 5.5mm
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Foulness, Essex; 03/08/2018; male; fw 5.5mm
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published November 2011 (§1) | §2 added and §1 removed 18/02/2019