73.100 Chilodes maritima (Silky Wainscot)
fw: 13-15mm (Waring & Townsend); ws: 29-36mm (MBGBI10); Jun-Aug; omnivorous; local, mainly in reed-beds, in S&E.England, S.Wales and S.Scotland.
ID: Thorax narrow; forewing pale greyish-straw; costa curved; apex angled (not rounded); termen with a steep angular curve around its centre; hindwing silky white. Polymorphic: typically fairly plain with a postmedian line of dots; form nigristriata has black interneural streaks in the costal half of the forewing; form bipunctata has two similar bold black spots, representing oval and kidney marks; form wismariensis also has two black spots but additionally has a long black streak running from the forewing base through the black spots almost reaching the termen.
§1 Sutton Fen, Norfolk; 23/07/2008; fw 13.7mm
§2 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 23/07/2008l form nigristriata
§3 Sutton Fen, Norfolk; fw 14.3mm; form bipunctata (removed 31/12/2015)
§4 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 29/05/2012; male
§5 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 28/07/2012; form wismariensis
§6 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 10/07/2015; female; fw 15.4mm; form bipunctata; to light
§7 Minsmere, Suffolk; 02/08/2016; form maritima
§8 Foulness, Essex; 21/07/2018; female; fw 12.3mm
§9 Foulness, Essex; 14/08/2021; male; fw 12.6mm
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 23/07/2008l form nigristriata
§3 Sutton Fen, Norfolk; fw 14.3mm; form bipunctata (removed 31/12/2015)
§4 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 29/05/2012; male
§5 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 28/07/2012; form wismariensis
§6 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 10/07/2015; female; fw 15.4mm; form bipunctata; to light
§7 Minsmere, Suffolk; 02/08/2016; form maritima
§8 Foulness, Essex; 21/07/2018; female; fw 12.3mm
§9 Foulness, Essex; 14/08/2021; male; fw 12.6mm
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 07/05/2015 (§1-5) | §3 removed and §6 added 31/12/2015 | §7 added 22/02/2017 | §8 added 28/04/2019 |
§9 added 13/12/2021
§9 added 13/12/2021