40.012 Mompha (Lophoptilus) miscella (Rock-rose Mompha)
ws: 7-9mm (MBGBI4.1), fw: 3.5-4.5mm (Sterling & Parson); bivoltine Apr-Oct; rock-roses (Helianthemum spp); common on chalk and limestone downland in England & Wales, local in Scotland
ID: Forewing with a variable variegated pattern of grey and brown patches and white spots and 2 dorsal tufts; most scales have paler tips, this being more contrasting on the grey patches; the brown patches show a variable amount of blackish. The forewing pattern is interpreted in the reference material as grey fasciae on a brown ground colour, but I think it is easier to see as follows; ground colour grey; brown/black central subbasal streak containing a white spot; brown/black antemedian fascia with its anterior edge leading to the proximal dorsal tuft and containing a subcostal white spot; brown/black postmedian fascia with its anterior edge leading to the distal dorsal tuft and terminating costally in a white spot.
Male genitalia
§1 Warton Crag, Lancashire; 20/06/2017; potted by day from common rock-rose
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 24/06/2017 (§1) | Dissection images added 15/01/2018