72.023 Diacrisia sannio (Clouded Buff)
fw: m19-22mm, f17-20mm (Waring & Townsend), ws: 35-50mm, "female much smaller than male" (MBGBI9); Jun-Jul(Aug); heathers (Calluna vulgaris, Erica spp) and various herbaceous plants; local, mainly on heath and moor, throughout GB.
ID: Male has yellow forewing with pink fringes and a prominent pink central spot; female has orange forewing with orange-red veins. Antenna bipectinate in male, dentate in female. Extent of grey suffusion on upperside of hindwing in male is very variable. Females are fairly sedentary and not attracted to light.
§1 Cyffdy Farm, Gwynedd; 21/06/2010; male; fw 20.7mm
§2 Cyffdy Farm, Gwynedd; 21/06/2010; male
§3 Foulness, Essex; 15/08/2015; male; fw 19.0mm; to light
§4 Mull; 16/06/2018; male; fw 20.0mm
§5 Eskadale, Inverness-shire; 25/06/2022; male
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Cyffdy Farm, Gwynedd; 21/06/2010; male
§3 Foulness, Essex; 15/08/2015; male; fw 19.0mm; to light
§4 Mull; 16/06/2018; male; fw 20.0mm
§5 Eskadale, Inverness-shire; 25/06/2022; male
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 11/03/2015 (§1&2) | §3 added 22/05/2015 | §4 added 20/04/2019 | §5 added 11/12/2022