73.237 Polymixis (Polymixis) flavicincta (Large Ranunculus)
fw: 17-22mm; Sep-Oct; various herbaceous plants; local south of a Severn-Wash line.
ID: Similar to the other 2 Polymixis species. Averages larger with a broader forewing; hindwing shows a broad grey median fascia; male antenna not bipectinate. P.xanthomista (Black-banded) has a narrow blackish median fascia on the forewing and lacks the median fascia on the hindwing. Male P.lichenea (Feathered Ranunculus) has bipectinate antennae, and also lacks the hindwing fascia.
§1 Housel Bay (Lizard), Cornwall; 03/10/2019; male; fw 18.0mm
§2 Housel Bay (Lizard), Cornwall; 03/10/2019; male; fw 20.0mm
§3 Housel Bay (Lizard), Cornwall; 03/10/2019; male
§4 Housel Bay (Lizard), Cornwall; 23/09/2020; male; fw 19.7mm
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Housel Bay (Lizard), Cornwall; 03/10/2019; male; fw 20.0mm
§3 Housel Bay (Lizard), Cornwall; 03/10/2019; male
§4 Housel Bay (Lizard), Cornwall; 23/09/2020; male; fw 19.7mm
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 07/10/2019 (§1-3) - dissection images added 18/12/2019 | §4 added 13/11/2020