63.055 Herpetogramma licarsisalis (Grass Webworm)
ws: 18-22mm; Oct-Nov; rare migrant to south coasts of England, originally a tropical African species but now established in the Iberian peninsula from where British specimens are assumed to arise. First British record 1998
ID: Not yet described in the standard British literature, so I'll have a go. Mid-brown general colouration, underside paler; ventral surfaces of abdomen, thorax and labial palps whitish; markings dark brown. Forewing antemedian line indistinct, sinuate; central spot; post-median line more distinct from 5/8 of dorsum turns sharply distally near midwing the continues to costa at 3/4, scalloped; subterminal line of interneural dashes; terminal line complete. Forewing underside central spot; postmedian line of neural smudges from costa, fades before reaching dorsum; subterminal line of interneural dashes. Hindwing spot in basal half; smudgy median line; smudgy somewhat dentate postmedian line; incomplete subterminal row of neaural dots; terminal line complete. Hindwing underside spot in basal half; postmedian line of neural smudges; terminal line of indistinct neural dots.
§1 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 12/10/2018; female; fw 11.8mm; to light - 15th record for GB
§2 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 06/10/2019; male; fw 11.7mm; to light - one of ~15 British records for autumn 2019
§3 St Mary's, Isles of Scilly; 23/10/2024
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 St Marys, Isles of Scilly; 06/10/2019; male; fw 11.7mm; to light - one of ~15 British records for autumn 2019
§3 St Mary's, Isles of Scilly; 23/10/2024
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 17/10/2018 (§1) - dissection images added 14/11/2018 | §2 added 18/12/2019 | §3 added 14/11/2024