70.256 Erannis defoliaria (Mottled Umber)
fw: m-18-25mm f-vestigial wings; Oct-Jan; various broadleaved trees and shrubs; common in England, Wales and lowland Scotland.
ID: Variable but can usually be
distinguished from Agriopis marginaria (Dotted Border) by the absence of
terminal interneural dots, though it may show dots or dashes in the terminal
cilia; and from Agriopis aurantiaria (Scarce Umber) which averages smaller (fw 17-21mm) and by not being golden in
colour (although §1 is a bit golden!).
§1 Westcliff-on-sea, Essex; 03/11/2007; male; fw 22.7mm
§2 Foulness, Essex; 14/11/2010; male; fw 22.0mm §3 Strumpshaw Fen, Norfolk; 01/11/2014; male §4 Dodd Wood, Cumbria; 11/11/2014; male; fw 19.4mm §5 Dodd Wood, Cumbria; 11/11/2014; male; fw 20.9mm §6 Dodd Wood, Cumbria; 13/11/2014; male; fw 19.8mm §7 Dodd Wood, Cumbria; 13/11/2014; male; fw 20.1mm §8 Bampton Grange, Cumbria; 10/10/2017; male; fw 19.4mm §9 Pound Wood, Essex; 09/11/2020; male §10 Pound Wood, Essex; 09/11/2020; male All images © Chris Lewis |
Hadleigh CP, Essex; 25/04/2020 on Beech |
Page published 05/03/2014 (§1&2) | §3 added 08/11/2014 | §4-7 added 03/12/2014 | §8 added 19/11/2017 | Larva added 29/04/2020 |
§9&10 added 27/11/2020
§9&10 added 27/11/2020