70.203 Archiearis parthenias (Orange Underwing)
fw: 16-19mm; Mar-Apr; diurnal; birch (Betula spp); local in open woodland in England and Wales and along river valleys in Scotland
ID: very similar to Boudinothiana notha (Light Orange Underwing). In A.parthenias the male antenna is serrate; in B.notha it is slightly pectinate. On the hindwing underside in A.parthenias the brown terminal fascia is interrupted near the middle by a projection of the orange subterminal fascia; in B.notha the brown terminal fascia is entire
Male genitalia
§1 Hockley Woods, Essex; 02/04/2016; male; fw 17.9mm; netted by day
§1 Hockley Woods, Essex; 02/04/2016; male; fw 17.3mm; netted by day
All images © Chris Lewis
§1 Hockley Woods, Essex; 02/04/2016; male; fw 17.3mm; netted by day
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 19/07/2016 (§1-2)