Maxillary palps 5-segmented
I have not yet been able to establish any rationale for the separation of Incurvariidae and Prodoxidae - not least because 2 species placed in genus Lampronia in MBGBI1 are now placed in genus Incurvaria
I have not yet been able to establish any rationale for the separation of Incurvariidae and Prodoxidae - not least because 2 species placed in genus Lampronia in MBGBI1 are now placed in genus Incurvaria
Lampronia (7S)
001 Lampronia capitella
(Currant Shoot Borer) |
002 Lampronia luzella
(Raspberry Shoot Borer) ws: 11-13mm; Jun-Jul; lfp Bramble, Dewberry, Cloudberry, Raspberry (Rubus spp); very local in woodland throughout UK |
003 Lampronia corticella
(Raspberry Moth) ws: 9-12mm; May-Jun; lfp Raspberry (Rubus idaeus); widespread throughout UK. |
004 Lampronia morosa
(Rose Shoot Borer) ws: 12-15mm; May-Jun; lfp Rose (Rosa spp) Uncommon and very local through UK |
005 Lampronia flavimitrella
(Scarce Shoot Borer) ws: 13-15mm; May; lfp Bramble, Raspberry (Rubus spp); first recorded in UK 1974; RDB - hedgerows and woodland in Kent. |
006 Lampronia fuscatella
(Birch Gall Moth) ws: 14-18mm; May-Jun; lfp Birch (Betula spp); RDB - try Hampshire |
007 Lampronia pubicornis
(Dusky Rose Moth) ws 12-14mm; May-Jun; lfp Burnet Rose (Rosa pimpinellifolia); limestone downland and sandhills in Northern England |