NEPTICULIDAE : Nepticulinae : Nepticulini
04.054 Stigmella perpygmaeella (Least Hawthorn Dot)
ws: 5.0-5.7mm (, 4-5mm (MBGBI1)*; bivoltine May, Aug; hawthorn (Crataegus sp); leaf-mine Jul, Oct; common in England & Wales
Synonym: S.pygmaeella (MBGBI1)
Synonym: S.pygmaeella (MBGBI1)
ID: Forewing plain; head reddish; collar pale; no hindwing androconial scales
Male genitalia: Genital capsule elongate, vinculum long with a deep median emargination and broad lateral margins; gnathos horns+bar U-shaped.
Most similar to S.incognitella which has V-shaped gnathos horns+bar. The arrangement of cornuti is also diagnostic in separating these two: in both species there is an apical group of larger cornuti and a basal group of smaller cornuti; in S. perpygaeella the apical group contains numerous (~80) densely packed cornuti; in S.incognitella the apical group contains 30-40 more sparsely packed cornuti and the basal group contains very small cornuti.
Female genitalia:
Male genitalia: Genital capsule elongate, vinculum long with a deep median emargination and broad lateral margins; gnathos horns+bar U-shaped.
Most similar to S.incognitella which has V-shaped gnathos horns+bar. The arrangement of cornuti is also diagnostic in separating these two: in both species there is an apical group of larger cornuti and a basal group of smaller cornuti; in S. perpygaeella the apical group contains numerous (~80) densely packed cornuti; in S.incognitella the apical group contains 30-40 more sparsely packed cornuti and the basal group contains very small cornuti.
Female genitalia:
§1 Great Holland, Essex; 25/04/2023; male; fw 3.1mm; netted by day by Gavin Price; ID confirmed by Erik van Nieukerken
All images © Chris Lewis
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 23/05/2023 (§1)