49.057 Cnephasia longana (Buff Grey Tortrix)
ws: 15-22mm; Jul; various herbaceous plants; common on the coast and chalk downs of England and Wales.
ID: One of the few Cnephasiini that can usually be reliably identified without genital dissection. Sexual dimorphism pronounced. The male is distinct from all other Cnephasia species in having a unicolorous ochreous forewing. The female is also distinct in having pale ochreous ground colour and ochreous brown markings - all other Cnephasia species are grey.
Male genitalia: Sacculus short (<1/2 length of valva), straight until the tip which turns perpendicular to the valva; aedeagus with teeth on the distal portion. 2 other Cnephasia species have a short sacculus, both lack teeth on the aedeagus. In C.conspersana the sacculus is curved towards the dorsal margin of the valva. In C.incertana the sacculus is straight until the tip which has a kink but remains in the plane of the valva; C.incertana is further distinguished by having a distinctly scobinate gnathos.
Female genitalia: Only C.longana and C.conspersana have a lipped colliculum. In C.longana sclerotisation of the colliculum extends down both sides, though more marked on the left; in C.conspersana this sclerotisation is only present on the left. C.longana is further distinguished by having disjointed signum.
Male genitalia: Sacculus short (<1/2 length of valva), straight until the tip which turns perpendicular to the valva; aedeagus with teeth on the distal portion. 2 other Cnephasia species have a short sacculus, both lack teeth on the aedeagus. In C.conspersana the sacculus is curved towards the dorsal margin of the valva. In C.incertana the sacculus is straight until the tip which has a kink but remains in the plane of the valva; C.incertana is further distinguished by having a distinctly scobinate gnathos.
Female genitalia: Only C.longana and C.conspersana have a lipped colliculum. In C.longana sclerotisation of the colliculum extends down both sides, though more marked on the left; in C.conspersana this sclerotisation is only present on the left. C.longana is further distinguished by having disjointed signum.
Male genitalia
Female genitalia
§1 Foulness, Essex; 21/06/2009; male; fw 8.8mm
§2 Foulness, Essex; 25/07/2009; female; fw 9.3mm
§3 Foulness, Essex; 02/08/2009; male; fw 7.8mm
§4 Foulness, Essex; 24/07/2011; female; fw 8.8mm
§5 Foulness, Essex; 24/07/2011; female
§6 Foulness, Essex; 24/07/2011; female
§7 Foulness, Essex; 05/08/2012; male
§8 Foulness, Essex; 04/07/2015; male; fw 9.2mm; to light
§9 Dungeness, Kent; 12/07/2018; male; fw 7.1mm
§10 Dungeness, Kent; 13/07/2018; female; fw 8.1mm
All images © Chris Lewis
§2 Foulness, Essex; 25/07/2009; female; fw 9.3mm
§3 Foulness, Essex; 02/08/2009; male; fw 7.8mm
§4 Foulness, Essex; 24/07/2011; female; fw 8.8mm
§5 Foulness, Essex; 24/07/2011; female
§6 Foulness, Essex; 24/07/2011; female
§7 Foulness, Essex; 05/08/2012; male
§8 Foulness, Essex; 04/07/2015; male; fw 9.2mm; to light
§9 Dungeness, Kent; 12/07/2018; male; fw 7.1mm
§10 Dungeness, Kent; 13/07/2018; female; fw 8.1mm
All images © Chris Lewis
Page published 21/05/2012 | §7 added 15/02/2013 | §8 added 29/08/2015 | §9&10 added 23/05/2019