The genera and species now considered within Tribe: Cochylini include all the genera considered by Pierce and Metcalfe as "Phaloniadii" - characterised by female genitalia with large dentations covering the bursa copulatrix. The Phaloniadii included Sparganothis which is now placed in Tortricinae:Sparganothini.
Phtheochroa (4S)
3 of these species were formerly considered in a separate (now redundant) genus Hysterosia. These 3 species have a long, slender uncus which is completely absent in P.rugosana. Why these genera have been merged is a mystery to me.
3 of these species were formerly considered in a separate (now redundant) genus Hysterosia. These 3 species have a long, slender uncus which is completely absent in P.rugosana. Why these genera have been merged is a mystery to me.
092 Phtheochroa inopiana
(Fleabane Drab) |
093 Phtheochroa schreibersiana
(Gold Cloak) ws: 11-15mm; May-Jun; Elm; Black Poplar, Bird Cherry; no British records from 1870 until 2017 when several were recorded. Possibly a rare migrant. |
094 Phtheochroa sodaliana
(Pied Buckthorn Beauty) ws: 13-17mm; Jun-Jul; buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus); NS-B calcareous grassland, heaths & fens in England, mainly south |
Cochylimorpha (2S)
Phalonidia (5S)
Sacculus rounded, transtilla produced in long fused arm, uncus absent.
Sacculus rounded, transtilla produced in long fused arm, uncus absent.
099 Phalonidia gilvicomana
(Wall-lettuce Straw) ws: 11-14mm; Jun-Jul; wall lettuce (Mycelia muralis), nipplewort (Lapsan communis); pRDB wood, down, waste S.England |
100 Phalonidia curvistrigana
(Banded Goldenrod Straw) ws: 13-15mm; Jul?; goldenrod; pRDB - wood, scrub England & Wales |
101 Phalonidia manniana
(Water Mint Straw) |
Gynnidomorpha (5S)
104 Gynnidomorpha luridana
(Bartsia Straw) ws: 11-13mm; Jun-Jul; scented mayweed, red bartsia, eyebright; NS-A farmland and downland in N&S but not C.England |
105 Gynnidomorpha vectisana
(Saltern Straw) |
106 Gynnidomorpha minimana
(Fen Straw) ws: 10-14mm; May-Aug; marsh lousewort (Pedicularis palustris); pRDB - fens, heaths, mosses in England and S.Scotland |
Agapeta (2S)
Aethes (15S)
Valva wide, curved; transtilla strongly developed; socii "flying"; aedeagus very strong, cornuti usually absent.
Pierce and Metcalfe treated A.tesserana/rutilana/cnicana/rubigana/margaritana in a separate genus Phalonia - characterised by "anellus very wide, cone-shaped; manica heavily spined; cornutus a slender spine" (I think the manica is the well-developed heavily spined portion of the anellus).
Ostium elaborate, bursa spined.
Valva wide, curved; transtilla strongly developed; socii "flying"; aedeagus very strong, cornuti usually absent.
Pierce and Metcalfe treated A.tesserana/rutilana/cnicana/rubigana/margaritana in a separate genus Phalonia - characterised by "anellus very wide, cone-shaped; manica heavily spined; cornutus a slender spine" (I think the manica is the well-developed heavily spined portion of the anellus).
Ostium elaborate, bursa spined.
114 Aethes hartmanniana
(Lesser Marbled Straw) ws: 11-17mm; Jun-Aug; small/field scabious (Scabiosa columbaria/Knautia arvensis); NS-B chalk/limestone in S.England |
115 Aethes piercei
(Greater Marbled Straw) ws: 15-24mm; Jun-Jul; devil's-bit scabious (Succisa pratensis); NS-B marshes and fens throughout GB |
116 Aethes williana
(Silver-speckled Straw) |
117 Aethes margarotana
(Sea Holly Straw) Was considered extinct in GB, but Moth Dissection has an image from Bucks 2013 |
118 Aethes margaritana
(Silver-striped Straw) ws: 12-17mm; Jul-Aug; yarrow (Achillea millefolium), scented mayweed (Matricaria recutita), tansy (Tanacetum vulgare); pRDB - downland, waste ground & shingle beaches in S.England |
119 Aethes rutilana
(Beautiful Straw) ws: 10-13mm; Jul-Aug; Juniper (Juniperus communis); pRDB - formerly in S.England, last recorded 1961; now in mountains of W.Scotland |
Cochylidia (4S)
129 Cochylidia rupicola
(Agrimony Straw) |
130 Cochylidia subroseana
(Goldenrod Straw) ws: 11-14mm; goldenrod; pRDB woodland in S.England - not clear that there have been any recent records |
131 Cochylidia heydeniana
(Blue-fleabane Straw) ws: 9-13mm; Apr-Jul; blue/Canadian fleabane (Erigeron acer/Conyza canadensis); NS-A dry pasture, waste, dunes in S.England |
Neochochylis (3S)
Falseuncaria (2S)