Bactra - identification
Male Genitalia: In B.furfurana and B.lacteana the saccular spines are small and do not cross the edge of the sacculus. In B.furfurana there are 5-9 spines, in B.lacteana there are 2-4 spines. In B.furfurana there are relatively few spines at the sacculo-valvar junction compared with B.lacteana. In B.lancealana and B.robustana the saccular spines are large, blade-like and they protrude beyond the saccular margin. B.lancealana has 2-7 spines and the margin of the sacculus between the spines and the sacculo-valvar junction is angular; B.robustana has 3-4 spines and the saccular margin is more evenly rounded (but see comments on the B.lancealana page).
Female Genitalia: Differences between the species occur in the shape of the ostium and its anterior and posterior lips (lamellae antevaginalis and postvaginalis). In B.fufurana the ostium is small, the anterior lip simple and the posterior lip a narrow band extending only a little beyond the ostium laterally. In B.lancealana the ostium is broad, the anterior lip thick and pendulous and the posterior lip a band with a deeply emarginate posterior margin, both lips extending laterally well beyond the ostium. In B.robustana the ostium is small, the anterior lip is weakly developed and the posterior lip a band with a shallowly emarginate posterior margin, both lips extending only a little beyond the ostium laterally. B.lacteana is shown at dissection group but not described or shown in BTM. It appears that the ostium is moderately broad with a weakly-developed anterior lip and that the posterior lip has a straight (or at least not emarginate) posterior margin, with neither lip extending beyond the ostium laterally. It also appears that the signum of B.lacteana is oval while that of B.lancealana is rectangular. However, differences between B.lacteana and B.furfurana appear minor and more work is needed.
(Refs. BTM, Sterling & Parsons, Moth Dissection)
Female Genitalia: Differences between the species occur in the shape of the ostium and its anterior and posterior lips (lamellae antevaginalis and postvaginalis). In B.fufurana the ostium is small, the anterior lip simple and the posterior lip a narrow band extending only a little beyond the ostium laterally. In B.lancealana the ostium is broad, the anterior lip thick and pendulous and the posterior lip a band with a deeply emarginate posterior margin, both lips extending laterally well beyond the ostium. In B.robustana the ostium is small, the anterior lip is weakly developed and the posterior lip a band with a shallowly emarginate posterior margin, both lips extending only a little beyond the ostium laterally. B.lacteana is shown at dissection group but not described or shown in BTM. It appears that the ostium is moderately broad with a weakly-developed anterior lip and that the posterior lip has a straight (or at least not emarginate) posterior margin, with neither lip extending beyond the ostium laterally. It also appears that the signum of B.lacteana is oval while that of B.lancealana is rectangular. However, differences between B.lacteana and B.furfurana appear minor and more work is needed.
(Refs. BTM, Sterling & Parsons, Moth Dissection)
Bactra lancealana
Bactra furfurana
Bactra lacteana
Bactra robustana