Some of the changes are good - especially where the name provides a clue to which family a moth is in eg
Micropterigidae = Pollen-moths, Nepticulidae = Dots, Opostegidae = Caps, Bucculatricidae = Tufts
Other changes had the opposite effect eg Argyresthiidae were nearly all Argents and now they are mostly Tip Moths. Instead of nearly all Depressariidae being "Flat-body" they now have a mix of names many of which are shared with other families. Inconsistent use of hyphenation is also annoying eg Leaf-miner / Shoot Borer; Bark Moth / House-moth. Confusingly and stupidly some moths have had the vernacular name that was applied to one species applied to a different species (Mouse-ear Groundling, Common Groundling, Buff Mompha). Overall I would say that an opportunity has been taken to improve the English vernacular names of the micro-moths and has ended up fiddling with them without achieving this aim.
Unfortunately, although these specimens arrived in good condition and I carefully dissected and photographed them, none of the images taken on my microscope camera during dissection were recorded on the SD card.