35.153 Pseudotelphusa paripunctella to light at North Ballachulish
49.090 Eulia ministrana netted at dusk at Inchcree
49.096 Hysterophora maculosana to light at North Ballachulish
57.004 Carterocephalus palaemon (Chequered Skipper) seen at Allt Mhuic and Glasdrum Wood,
63.036 Udea decrepitalis netted by day at Allt Mhuic,
69.008 Hemaris tityus (Narrow-bordered Bee Hawkmoth) feeding on Bird's-foot Trefoil on Lismore Island,
70.171 Eupithecia indigata (Ochreous Pug) to light in Carrbridge,
70.223 Plagodis pulveraria (Barred Umber) to light at Inchcree,
73.256 Anarta melanopa (Broad-bordered White Underwing) netted by day near the summit of A'Chailleach 73.272 Papestra biren (Glaucous Shears) to light in North Ballachulish.
(and we bagged 6 Munros)
35.041 Bryotropha desertella; 49.133 Cochylis nana; 63.108 Pediasia fascelinella; 73.275 Sideridis turbida (White Colon); 73.299 Mythimna litoralis (Shore Wainscot)
06.001 Antispila metallella - netted by day from Dogwood at Penn's Weare, Portland on 21st (to be confirmed)
07.009 Cauchas fibulella - netted by day at Lankham Bottom, Dorset on 19th
49.263 Pelocrista caecimaculana - to light at Portland Bill on 19th (to be confirmed)
49.377 Pammene germmana - netted by day at The Verne, Portland on 25th
57.007 Thymelicus acteon (Lulworth Skipper) numerous on Viper's Bugloss at Lulworth Cove on 19th
61.013 Maculinea arion (Large Blue) 8 at Collard Hill on 18th
63.056 Cynaeda dentalis netted at dusk at Church Ope quarries, Portland on 20th and another 7 to light
70.017 Idaea degeneraria (Portland Ribbon Wave) - to light at Penn's Weare, Portland on 22nd
70.172 Eupithecia distinctaria (Thyme Pug) - to light at Penn's Weare, Portland on 22nd
70.181 Eupithecia valerianata (Valerian Pug) to light at Church Ope quarries, Portland on 20th
73.074 Heliothis peltigera (Bordered Straw) netted by day at Lulworth Cove on 19th and at dusk at Portland Bill and 5 to light at Portland Bill on 19th, 4 on 20th.
73.147 Photodes morrissii (Morriss's Wainscot) - found at rest at dusk on tall fescue at Charmouth Dorset on 24th
And a night trapping at my regular site on Foulness on 27th added 5 new species for the site and one new to me:
49.274 Eucosma metzneriana
The 8 species with images above have been added to the website, bringing the total presented to 1119.
The rest will be added in due course.